Tuesday 5 July 2011


Various laser types have been used for dentin hypersensitivity (DH) treatment, including neodymium- or erbium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG and Er:YAG), C02, He-Ne(helium – neon ) and diode ( GaAIAs – gallium aluminium arsenide) lasers, with various energy settings and with wavelengths ranging from 632 nm (He-Ne) to 10,600 nm (Er:YAG, C02).

For low output-power lasers (ie, diode lasers , He-Ne ), the desensitizing effect seems to be related to laser activity at the nervous level. For example, the He-Ne laser does not affect peripheral A delta or C fiber nociceptors  but acts on electric activity . Similarly, the GaAIAs laser seems to depolarize afferent C fibers.

The desensitizing effect of the middle output-power lasers (Nd:YAG, C02, and Er:YAG) is thought to be related to the occlusion or narrowing of the dentinal tubules. it vapourizes the water presnt in dentin ,during which the bubbles break there by melting the dentin and occludes the dentinal tubules. this process is termed as spallation.

                             REF: JOE ,37, 3,  2011

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