Initially the tooth to be treated
should be administrated with local anesthesia access cavity is prepared. On
entry into the root canal. The necrotic pulp should be removed with the aid of
a large barbed broach. The working length was determined using an apex locator EX
: Elements,sybron endo.) . The canal should be irrigated with approximately 10
ml of 5.25% NaOC1 and dried with paper points. Equal proportions of
ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycine should be ground and mixed with
distilled water to a thick paste consistency. This antibiotic mixture should be
than placed in the canal using an amalgam carrier and packed with large
endodontic pluggers. After which the access cavity was sealed with Cavit ( 3M,ESPE,
A 20-ml sample of whole blood
should be drawn from the patient’s right arm for platelet rich plasma (PRP)
preparation. PRP is prepared by mixing SmartPReP2 APC+ Autologous Platelet Concentrate+
Procedure Pack (Harvest Technologies Corp, Plymouth, MA)
with the Harvest SmartPREP 2 Platelet Concentrate System (Harvest Technologies
During the next appointment, the
teeth should be isolated with a rubber dam, the temporary restoration should be
removed, and the antibiotic mixture was washed out by using sterile saline
irrigation. The canal was dried with paper points. Prepared PRP should be then
injected into the canal space up to the level of the cemento -enamel junction (CEJ)
and allowed to clot for 5 minutes. 3mm of white MTA (Pro- Root MTA; Dentsply )was
placed directly over the PRP clot. A moist cotton pellet was placed over the
MTA and finally restored with GIC ( GC corp,japan.).
Dont the triple antibiotic paste alone cause revitalization...?
ReplyDeleteis anyone on the US doing this?
ReplyDeletei dont think so . but here we did around 20 cases .of which around 15 wer successfull....